Sparkling wines aren’t just for the holidays or special occasions. You can enjoy them as an everyday pleasure. One of my fondest memories is enjoying a glass of Cristal with my…
Sparkling wines aren’t just for the holidays or special occasions. You can enjoy them as an everyday pleasure. One of my fondest memories is enjoying a glass of Cristal with my…
We know you’re busy planning your Thanksgiving turkey (to brine or not to brine?), your sides, and your desserts (pumpkin or apple?). It’s also time to start thinking seriously about your Thanksgiving wine lineup. Here’s one word that will steer you in the right direction: Alsace.
This warm cauliflower, pomegranate, and lentil salad makes a perfect healthy lunch—no sad desk salad here—or a colorful side.
When sitting down to order sushi, be it at the counter, the table, or from your couch (no judgements!), the inevitable question of “What do I drink with it?” comes…
Today on Somm Tips, we’re back with David Jaegle, worldwide export manager of Cave de Ribeauvillé, to discuss sparkling wine from one of our favorite regions in France: Alsace. Previously,…
Here’s a Thanksgiving bird worthy of starring as the centerpiece on your holiday table. There are countless variations on turkey, and nearly as many opinions as to which is best (to brine? to fry? to spatchcock?). This roast bird gets plenty of flavor from a dry rub of fragrant thyme, sage, and paprika.
Alsatian wine is incredibly crowd-pleasing and especially food friendly. Acidity, minerality, and complex structure make the region’s wines excellent choices for serving with your Thanksgiving dinner.
There’s no reason to be intimidated by pairing wines with vegan meals, because the same general guidelines apply: fat, acidity, body, sweetness, tartness and flavor are all components of a dish that influence making the best match.
Before I plunged into writing cookbooks, I used to host secret suppers – dinner parties of a dozen strangers, for one evening a month, for an authentic, multicourse Indian meal.…