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My 5: Favorite Greek Dishes

I’ve been loving Greek food for a long time…not way back to The First Bites, of course, but long. My first exposure, in fact—after growing up with Italian, Chinese, and no…

Foie Glossary: Mastering Those Infernal Labels

Rosengarten Classic. Originally Published: ROSENGARTEN REPORT, November 2004. The foie gras name game is designed to be as confusing as possible (the governing theory being that your confusion is cash in their…

Goin’ High-End in South Africa!

South Africa is not all soul-rattling African food, simmering collisions of historical immigrant food, nor flaming braai (the South African word for grilling). Oh, those things are enough to keep ME…

Recipe for Gazpacho: The Real Deal

Rosengarten Classic. Originally Published: Posted on Internet in 2007 Gazpacho It is high gazpacho season once again…and time once again for me to go highly ballistic about how messed-up our gazpacho-making…