Why Drink Wine? On Somm Tips, Paul Grieco gives us his Ode to Wine, and demands that we pay homage and respect to one of mankind’s oldest and most storied beverages.
Today’s episode takes us from from Noah, sometimes given credit for the discovery of fermentation, to current day, where Paul gives a sermon in his church of wine, Terroir Tribeca. “I can not think but to revel in everything this beverage gives to me every step of the way,” Paul says, and when you’re done listening to his plea to drink more wine, you’ll likely feel the same.
Paul Grieco is one of New York City’s most influential wine professionals, with multiple James Beard award nominations and wins, including Outstanding Wine, Beer or Spirits Professional in 2012. His wine bar, Terroir, now has multiple locations, including one on the High Line, and his Chef at Terroir Tribeca, Andrew Riccatelli, recently won Chopped. He is a Riesling evangelist, as evidenced on our Follow that Somm episode with him all about Riesling, but he can be somewhat more accurately described as a human locomotive of unrestrained passion for wine, its history, and its context.
Somm Tips with Paul Grieco will be back with more installments, where we answer important questions like: What’s the Deal with Screw Tops? And What the Fuck is Terroir? Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more episodes about what makes wine such an interesting and perplexing beverage.
If you want to expand your passion for the world of wine, head to Terroir Wine Bar in Tribeca and give Paul a visit. And if you liked this video and love food and wine, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, Like us on Facebook, and Follow us on Instagram. Thanks for watching!